NOTE: This blog is currently public, which means that anyone on the internet can see what is written here. This means that:
1) you can enroll in the email or subscribe features.
2) the adults in your life who support your academic achievement can see the content.
3) you don't have to remember a password or username, but can just use the URL to access it.

However, this also means that it is possible for unsavory types to see what is written here, so while we encourage you to use the comments section to communicate with the English 2 teachers and your classmates, please DO NOT POST ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION in the comments. In order to avoid inappropriate content, all comments are moderated by the teacher, so inappropriate comments (both from class members and others) will not be posted.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to get a gmail account

You will need a Gmail account in order to post comments on the blog.
  • Go to this site
  • Follow the instructions to create a Gmail account
  • Hint! Use a user name that you use for other accounts or use user##### with your Harbor ID number
  • Write down the info in your planner AND on your "getting to know the blog" assignment
  • You may need to confirm your account with a text message or phone call.  That's OK


  1. This information has really helped me out with getting a Gmail account. I now have one and use it as opposed to my previous Email account.

  2. Wow, so interesting. I now know how to make a G mail account.

    Carmen Wolf

  3. This helped me make a g-mail account so i could comment on this site.

  4. The information above gave me insight to " how to " create a G-mail account using the google website . I have created my account and am now using it rather than my Hotmail account which i previously used .
