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Thursday, November 10, 2011

If you were absent 11/9, you need this outline!

Deciphering the Prompt

  1. Read through the writing prompt. What is the general topic?

  1. Read the “Writing Directions.” Underline the words that suggest what kind of writing you are being asked to do. For example, “tell a story,” “explain” or “convince.”

  1. Reread the excerpt from Lundstrom. Find and underline the parts, which suggest her opinion.

Persuasive Outline for Juvenile Justice Essay


Explain Lundstrom’s argument:_____________________________________________
Agree or disagree with her analysis and conclusion (thesis): _______________________________________________________________________

The prompt tells you to: Support your position….

Present Counter Argument One

A reason that the other side would be likely to give: Some people might argue that ____________________________________________________________________
Topic sentence/ your reason: However, this is wrong/ incorrect/ insignificant etc because __________
Concrete detail

Present Counter Argument Two

A reason that the other side would be likely to give: Some people might argue that ____________________________________________________________________
Topic sentence/ your reason: However, this is wrong/ incorrect/ insignificant etc because __________
Concrete detail

Present a Reason Why Your Argument is Right
Topic sentence explaining why your thesis is right: ______________________________
Concrete detail
Concrete detail

Present Your Strongest Reason
Topic sentence explaining why your thesis is right: ______________________________
Concrete detail
Concrete detail

Paragraph five: Conclusion

Restate thesis in a new way: ________________________________________________
A final, memorable line, which calls your audience to take action: ________________________________________________________________________

Reviewing your Outline

  1. Check your outline to see if you have done what the prompt asked you to do.
    1. Did you Explain Lundstrom’s argument?

    1. Did you agree or disagree with her analysis and conclusion?

    1. Did you support your position, providing reasons?

    1. Did you support your argument, providing examples from Lord of the Flies, other readings, and your own experiences and observations?

  1. Read over the rubric and if you imagine that you did nothing more than rewrite what you currently have on your outline, predict a score for each category.
    1. Position: _______
    2. Organization and coherence: ________
    3. Elaboration:________

  1. Now read the descriptors to the left of the score you gave yourself and determine what you could do to improve your chances of getting a higher score.
    1. What one thing could you do as you turn your outline into an essay in order to get a better score on position?

    1. What one thing could you do to get a better score on organization and coherence?

    1. What one thing could you do to get a better score on elaboration?

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