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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Resources for struggling students- LOTF

 This can be a challenging book, so if you are having trouble with it, please use the following resources:
  • Print out this vocabulary list and keep it tucked into your book, so that you can refer to it when you come across difficult words.
  • Print out these study questions.  Before reading each chapter, look over the questions and then, as you read, listen for the answers.
  • Use these video recaps to make sure you understand what you've read.  Please note that you will NOT do well on the quizzes if you only view these.  You need to actually read the book if you plan on being successful in the class.
  • Keep a stack of sticky notes next to you while you read and mark anything that's particularly confusing or interesting.  Then, when we talk about the reading in class, be sure to ask your questions and comment on what was interesting.  You'll be showing off how closely you paid attention to your reading, while also getting help on the parts that confused you :)
  • Listen to the audiobook as you follow along in the book. 

    1 comment:

    1. Biggie Smalls by Dave Jackson this book is about a African American male that becomes a bigg time rapper in the east coast.the interesting about this story is that he a druggie that had turned his life around with rap. At the end of the story he dies and most people are sad because he was a well known rapper around the east coast. The kind of people i would recommend this book to is any body because its suck a great book for all people. the one character that had a conflict was biggie smalls. the problem he had was having a rivalry with the west coast rapers.

      hi, my name is Jose Mata i read biggie smalls
