NOTE: This blog is currently public, which means that anyone on the internet can see what is written here. This means that:
1) you can enroll in the email or subscribe features.
2) the adults in your life who support your academic achievement can see the content.
3) you don't have to remember a password or username, but can just use the URL to access it.

However, this also means that it is possible for unsavory types to see what is written here, so while we encourage you to use the comments section to communicate with the English 2 teachers and your classmates, please DO NOT POST ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION in the comments. In order to avoid inappropriate content, all comments are moderated by the teacher, so inappropriate comments (both from class members and others) will not be posted.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ohana's class extra credit opportunity

To earn a bit of extra credit, you can share your review with others using the Harbor Library Catalog.  Here's how to do it:
  1. Copy the review you wrote for the blog (control v).  Do not copy the spoiler.
  2. Go to
  3. Search for the book you are reviewing.  Note - if the book you are reading is not available at Harbor, you will not be able to post your review to our catalog.
  4. Click on the title of the book you are reviewing
  5. To the right of the cover image, you will see some links.  It might say Be the first to submit a comment & rating  if you are the first person posting a review of the book, or Submit a comment & rating if others have posted reviews for the same book. 
  6. Click on the link for posting your review.
  7. Fill in the form that comes up.
  8. First name will show up in your review.
  9. Last name will not show.
  10. Copy and paste the review you have written.  Note - paragraph formatting will not transfer.  If you want to have space between paragraphs, type in <br><br> for each paragraph break.
  11. Choose 1 to 5 stars for the book.
  12. Click Send. Ms Smith will need to review your comments before posting.  Remember, your reviews become public once approved for publishing online,  and no editing will be done by Ms Smith, so please check your work before you submit.  All reviews, except those with inappropriate language or comments will be posted. Ms Smith will notify me that you have posted a review, so that I can give you your extra credit.

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