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Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer Reading

This summer I read several books, but the one that I read most recently was Rascal, about a boy and his pet raccoon. I read this book with my son and we had a lot of fun with it because we currently have a raccoon living under our house, so we liked to imagine that our "roommate" was like the raccoon in the book.

What did you read this summer?  Why did or didn't you enjoy it?  Be as specific as you can.


  1. Over the summer I read the book The Hunger Games. I enjoyed this book because, I like adventure and fantasy books.

    -Chance Tiner

  2. over the summer i read unwind which i thought was a super good book about how in the future teens would be used as body part "mines" it was full of action and adventure i really recommend it to anyone.

  3. jade barde

    i read never let me go. i liked it because it reminded me of harry potter

  4. This summer I read an article about social technology and it's effect on people. I thought it made good points such as: people are becoming less confident in public speaking because we do so much speaking over text, e-mailing or social networking, it also stressed that student's grammar has decreased because of quick texting. I really enjoyed the article and since I have read it I have been doing more research on it. - Juliana Bontrager
