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Friday, October 7, 2011

Music inspired by Lord of the Flies

Art often inspires other art.  The following songs are inspired by Lord of the Flies.  The first of my students to explain in DETAIL how each of these songs relates to the novel will receive a prize. (One song per student please.)

Can you find any other references to Lord of the Flies in popular culture?  If so, post them as a comment (links are awesome), and be rewarded!

1 comment:

  1. I found the first song to be a very accurate word for word telling of the story. I thought it brought up two wonderful points about how these kids are feeling about life on this new island. In the beginning of the song it says, "Tried to make this island more like home". By making huts and creating a "family" these kids are attempting to make a home, however they themselves are young and have only seen their parents really establish a stable home environment so they are just copying what they have seen. Later it says, "We'll take this island everywhere we go" this line confuses me but after much thought I have come to the conclusion that it means that even if they do get rescued, they wont ever be the same because they have had this unforgettable experience that will last a lifetime.

    The second song is up for a little more interpretation. First, it says,"Wherever we may roam. Wherever we may hide.We've got to get away" this reminded me of the secret garden that Simon found in the jungle. I think Simon is so happy to find this place because he is fed up with the other boys and needs to get away from them. Later it says, "We don't need a code of morality" to me this means that these children are tired of the moral lessons that adults taught them and they are realizing that they can live without them. At the end of the song it says, "Saints and sinners. Something within us me this means that in everybody there are good qualities and bad qualities. We all sin and make mistakes, but we also make good ones that truly benefit others. In Lord of the Flies we see characters make bad choices, like fighting and possibly killing (?) and good ones like helping building shelters and looking after the young ones (minus the one they let fall into the fire...)
    -Juliana Bontrager A3
